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In a world of constantly changing realities, it is critical that we all learn to think and problem solve in whatever context we find ourselves in, and change the way in which we learn in and with our community.
When asked how this degree has transformed his thinking in this regard, Vincent replies, “ I just don’t take the face value of an issue before me as it is, but I give a thorough analysis through probing from different angles, drawing alternatives and options for solutions.”
Vincent graduated from Future Generations University with a Master’s degree in Applied Community Development in October 2017, at commencement held in the Philippines. His classmates consisted of community development professionals from Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Nepal, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, and the United States. They supported each other throughout the two years of graduate study, as they each balanced full-time work, course work, and family responsibilities.
Read the latest dispatches from our team, stories of community-led transformation, updates on alumni and profiles of students as we work to create a more sustainable, just and equitable future. These voices center strength, hope and resilience, paving the way for everyone to participate in building Future Generations.